HEMS International Daycare/Preschool/Primary School
Mobile Number: +919881100918
Address: Near Pandit Petrol Pump, Opp. Pratibha Motors Dnyanda Colony Vivekanand Nagar, Dange Chowk, Bhumkar Chowk, Tathawade, Pune, Maharashtra 411033
HEMS International School is located at Near Pandit Petrol Pump, Opposite Pratibha Motors Dnyanda Colony Vivekanand Nagar, Bhumkar Chowk, Dange Chowk, Pimpri Chinchwad, 411017.
The school is affiliated with the SSC and CBSE boards and offers preschool through primary school. It is open every day from 8 AM–5 PM. Visit Mahitiportal for the Admission Process, Fee Structure, Admission form details, Address, Contact Number, Photos, Maps, Reviews and Ratings.